Birth Doula Services

Birth Doula Services

Did you know that the word “Doula” comes from the Greek, and refers to a woman who helps other women?

As a certified Labor Support Doula, I care unconditionally for the birthing person, their partner and family before, during and after birth of their baby. I help them make informed decisions during labor and I support them on their choices, whether a mom desires an unmedicated birth or plans on receiving pain relief for labor. I support families if baby will be born in a hospital, birth center or at home.


As your labor support doula I:

  • Am available by phone, text or email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from date of hire through 6 weeks postpartum

  • Offer two prenatal visits and one in-home postpartum visit, usually lasting about 2 hours

  • Help with formulating your birth preferences

  • Am present for the duration of labor, offering continuous support from active labor until the baby is born

  • Respect your partner and help him/her to support you

  • Suggest comfort measures and position changes during labor

  • Offer relaxation techniques and breathing in labor

  • Assist with breastfeeding once the family is back home if needed, after the postpartum visit

As your labor support doula, I am not a medical provider, but a certified labor support :

  • I do not perform medical or clinical tasks (vaginal exams, maternal blood pressures, fetal assessment); I leave that to your primary caregiver/labor and delivery physicians and nurses

  • Speak to hospital personnel or your care providers on behalf

  • Make decisions for you regarding your care or your baby’s care, but rather help you make educated decisions regarding your care and baby’s care