Childbirth Preparation Class
I offer a two part in-home private childbirth class that covers all aspects of labor and delivery, and each class runs about 2 1/2 hours. I recommend taking this class at around 7 months of pregnancy. The following is what the class covers:
The anatomy of pregnancy
Pre-labor vs true labor
The labor process
Common interventions
Pharmacological and non-pharmacologial pain relief
Different positions for labor progression
Comfort measures
Breathing and relaxation
Breastfeeding Class
This class runs about 3 hours and we go over a lot of information, from prenatal breast changes to learning baby’s cues, milk production, going back to work and more:
The process of lactation
Different nursing holds
Baby’s latch
Is baby getting enough milk?
Going back to work
Birth Partner Workshop
What about those of you who want to experience birth as a couple, and not go with professional doula support. You would love to know what to do and what to expect during birth? So this partner workshop is for you!
The class runs about 4 hours long and goes in depth about the physical and emotional aspects of labor and birth, what comfort measures and position changes help with labor progression.
It also covers what to expect, what questions to ask, how to advocate for mom and baby, how to navigate the process.
You do want to take a childbirth preparation class independently of this class to fully understand the process of birth.
Sign up for this workshop and you will find out how to be the best partner ever!
Induction: Navigating the news, the process, what questions to ask, how to advocate for yourself and your baby…
Sometimes, we are faced with making a decision about our care, and in the case of childbirth, an induction may be proposed. This class will explain:
The reasons to induce
How to understand the process
The different methods used to induce
The difference between inducing a birth and augmenting a labor
How to have a realistic expectation of the length of time an induction can take
Important questions to ask your provider
This class runs about 90 minutes, and will give you a lot of answers to your questions!