Breastfeeding Services

Postpartum Breastfeeding Support

As a board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC), I see many families who have had a baby and are home and having a difficult time nursing. Even though babies are hardwired to breastfeed, in the first few days postpartum, both mom and baby are learning, and it can be a little tricky. I offer lactation help to both my birthing families as well as new families who did not have me as their birth doula.

My Breastfeeding Support Includes

Assessing mom’s breasts

  • Assessing baby’s latch

  • Devising and working out a breastfeeding plan

  • Demonstrating different positions

  • Answering questions and troubleshooting

  • Milk supply

  • Is baby getting enough milk?

  • Pumping

  • and more


To schedule a consultation